Patient Experience MRI 03 July, 2024

A Patient Experience: Andrew’s Story

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This article is part of our Patient Story series, contributed by Andrew.


"Vista Health pricing was clear and unambiguous."


After being diagnosed with suspected Spinal Stenosis, Andrew was sent for an MRI scan via the NHS to establish the level of severity. However, with waiting times long, he eventually decided to book his appointment with Vista Health.



The wait for an MRI Scan

Having waited for some weeks for just an acknowledgement of a scan from the NHS, Andrew decided to ring up and was told the earliest date may be “November” despite it currently being June.

Experiencing more and more discomfort, Andrew knew he couldn’t possibly wait that long for a confirmed diagnosis so started searching online for other companies offering MRI scans.

The search hadn’t been as easy as he’d hoped, with various companies claiming rates from anywhere between £99 and ‘through the roof’. He then found Vista Health.


"Vista Health pricing was clear and unambiguous. I initially booked for an off-peak scan to reduce the price and this was confirmed very quickly."


Andrew had just a few simple forms to complete and in no time he had his appointment.

However, due to his ever worsening back pain, he decided to contact Vista Health again to see if he could bring forward the appointment.


"Joy of joys offered an appointment the next day – the price was higher but not as exorbitant as others and the deal was struck."


Efficient and Quick Service

On the day of his appointment, Andrew arrived early and was greeted by a very pleasant nurse who talked him through the process, explained the procedure, ensuring he had no concerns about what was about to happen.


The benefits of using Vista Health

"This has significantly shortened the treatment process!!"

In opting for an appointment at Vista Health, Andrew saved 4 months of waiting - simply for an MRI scan. He found that getting back into the NHS system was then simple. He already had his MRI results and within 2 days the NHS made him an appointment for a review of these findings. On top of this, within a week of his review, Andrew then received a letter from the NHS with an appointment to meet with a spinal consultant.


"Significantly quicker than having to wait for the grinding wheels of the NHS system – seems the MRI scans unlocked the door to faster service."


Initially, Andrew had felt a little apprehensive about booking his scan privately, outside of the NHS, but now believes this was the best decision he could’ve made.


"I appreciate that the cost may be high but there are a variety of cost options that could be considered, I opted for quicker treatment because of the discomfort I was in – and it did pay dividends in terms of accelerating the NHS treatment."


Get immediate insight into your health

Vista health is a leading UK healthcare provider specialising in diagnostic services for the private healthcare market. We specialise in diagnostic services, including MRIEchocardiagram and Endoscopies. We provide same-day appointments, expert diagnosis and world-class reports from fully qualified radiologists.


Enquire todaybook online or speak to our dedicated patient care team on  0333 920 5749.

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Find out more about what Vista Health can offer you. We’re the UK’s largest independent provider of specialist diagnostic services, and we offer a wide range of affordable scanning and screening services. We offer appointments seven days a week, at locations throughout the UK.


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