MRI Scanner Example Image

Affordable, accessible, diagnostic services

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As the UK’s leading independent provider of specialist diagnostic services, we offer a fast, affordable service, without the need for a GP referral. With over 60 locations across the UK, there’s a Vista Health facility near you.


Complete a self-referral form, book online, or call us on 0330 057 5167. 

MRI Scanner Example Image


Private Diagnostic Services

See the options below of the diagnostic services that we offer.
MRI Scan Patient

MRI scans

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which is a way of taking pictures inside the body using strong magnetic fields and radio waves. An MRI scan is a safe, painless and non-invasive procedure which captures high-quality images of inside the body.


Full Body MRI Scan

Our Full Body MRI scan provides immediate insight into your current overall health. This scan includes your brain, abdomen, pelvis and full spine. The platinum package includes all the above and clinical insight into the health of your heart.


Echo (Heart Scan)

An ‘ECHO’ is a specialised cardiac ultrasound scan used to assess the structure and function of the heart. It can produce images of your heart chambers, walls, valves and main blood vessels.

Groin Hernia Ultrasound


Sound waves are used to identify changes in our organs, tissue or blood flow to help doctors diagnose or monitor medical conditions. A fast, safe, non-invasive procedure.

DEXA Medical Technician


A DEXA scan measures the density of your bones and can help find out if you are at a higher risk of osteoporosis. The scan can also detect other potential bone disorders and conditions, such as osteopenia, brittle bone disease, and osteomalacia.

CT Scans

Vista Health offers CT scans using specialised X-ray equipment to scan for inflammation, disease, cancer, and other conditions.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Our 24 hr Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring service can give you an accurate measure of your blood pressure over a period of time.

Blog Upright MRI

Open and Upright MRI Scanning

Open and Upright MRI scanners offer an alternative to the conventional MRI scanner and provide a stress-free option, ideal for claustrophobic or anxious patients.

ECG Wave

ECG Heart Testing

An ECG (electrocardiogram) monitors your heart rate, rhythm and electrical activity. The test discovers any issues with the heart’s electrical impulses.



A quick, non-invasive procedure producing images of the inside of the body, and a particularly effective way to identify joint problems.

Nottingham Multiliverscan


LiverMultiScan® is a non-invasive MRI-based test that provides information about your liver tissue health by measuring levels of fibro-inflammation, fat and iron in your liver.

Cardiac CT Scan (heart CT)

A cardiac CT scan, also known as a CT coronary angiogram, can check the health of your heart and its surrounding blood vessels - this includes your coronary arteries, that is, the blood vessels that supply your heart.

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Close to home

When you’re taking steps regarding your health, the last thing you want is a long journey. With more than 60 locations across the UK, there’s a Vista Health diagnostic centre close to you - including, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 


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Locations 2

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We’re available 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 1pm at the weekend.  

Use our contact form and we’ll respond within 48 hours (during normal working hours).

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